Geib Butter Cut Slim 88J – With Adjustable Tension Screw.
Top quality Scissor with a bevel edge and micro serration that gives this Scissor great versatility for blocking out shape on well prepared coats, and also capable of giving you an excellent finish. Beautifully balanced, quality feel, smooth action with a grip to the hair as you cut. Perfect for the experienced professional on a mission!
Short shank, with a comfortable integral finger rest. Gilt adjustable pivot screw.
The bows are fairly small on this model so this one is well suited to those with a more petite hand.
Blade Length 4.25″ Actual Scissor Length Just over 8″ Total Length Including Integral Finger Rest Approximately 8.5″
This model is handmade and it has a look that denotes an individual hand-crafted tool by a traditional craftsman. The look of “raw silk” as it is marked and each one will have identifying marks that may not be pleasing to the eye. However, this does not impair the working ability of this fabulous Scissor.