Show Tech Speed Stripper – 20 Blade

£16.50 inc. VAT (£13.75 ex. VAT)

5 in stock

Professional Speed Stripper X FINE – with 20 Blades

Specially designed curved blades, made of hardened stainless steel with rounded ‘hooked’ ends for safety. Securely mounted into comfortable wooden handle.

Speed Strippers help to strip coats cleanly and effectively.

This 20 bladed version is particularly good on spaniel type coats.

Gently comb the coat with the Speed Stripper in the direction of hair growth using small, light strokes. Always do one small section at a time – assess what hair has been removed and repeat if necessary. Great care must be taken at all times – especially around skin folds, and other sensitive areas.

Total Length of tool just shy of 7.5″

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